Drag Illustrated Issue 114, October 2016 | Page 22

Got Dirt? dirt@dragillustrated.com Changing the Game Harry Hruska continues to prove that research and development pays dividends he dance between nitrous and blower combinations has had a third wheel join them on select dates in recent years. Turbochargers unabashedly butted right into the middle of the beloved and staunchly defended nitrous/blower rivalry. It’s no longer a two-sided coin toss. With turbos increasing both in prolific use by teams and vast performance advancements, rivalries have been split three ways. Many longtime nitrous or blower racers have made the switch to turbos with great success. 22 | D r a g I l l u s t r a t e d | DragIllustrated.com Issue 114 PHOTO: RICK BELDEN T BY LISA COLLIER