Drag Illustrated Issue 120, April 2017 | Page 22

Got Dirt? dirt@dragillustrated.com Locked In ‘Stevie Fast’ Jackson to compete at DI World Series of Pro Mod BY JOSH HACHAT S 22 | D r a g I l l u s t r a t e d | DragIllustrated.com tevie “Fast” Jackson is headed to Bandimere Speedway to hurt some feelings at the Drag Illustrated World Series of Pro Mod, Aug. 4-5. If a six-figure paycheck comes home with him, then that’s simply icing on the cake. “I’m fired up. It’s $100,000 and there’s a lot of people coming that I want to smash into the ground, and that’s more alluring than the money,” Jackson said. “We’re coming out there and I’m coming to get that money. I’m going to buy something with it, a boat or something, but I’m coming to get it.” Jackson enthusiastically accepted the invite to the inaugural high-stakes Pro Mod event, which promises the biggest and richest payout in Pro Mod history. Issue 120