motor side of it. My car guys have an interest in
that and Jake Hairston, who works for me, has
always had one of those cars. I talked to him, ‘Let’s
build a new one,’ and so it’s something we wanted
to do. To be honest with you, I can drive that car
because I’m big and I can’t drive a Pro Stock car.
While I can get it down the track, I’m just too big.
There’s a lot of different factors. It’s not something
that we’re going to do all-out unless, you know,
somebody wanted to help us with that deal and
then we would run them all.
Along with that we’ve heard that you have a
Pro Mod car done and you’re going to be driv-
ing. Can you divulge how far along you are
in that process?
Myself and the Hairstons, we’ve built two new
twin-turbo engines and I have a brand-new car
that’s together at Rick Jones’ (facility), a ‘17 Ca-
maro that just came out of paint. I can’t tell you
if I’m going to dri