Drag Illustrated Issue 124, August 2017 | Page 22

Got Dirt? dirt@dragillustrated.com Changing the Game Keith Haney’s Mid-West Pro Mod Series aims to please racers and tracks he Midwest is packed full of Pro Modified drag rac- ers, but the area’s doorslammer competitors typically need to travel across the country to go racing. Longtime Oklahoma busi- nessman and racer Keith Haney is changing that, though, with the formation of the aptly named Mid-West Pro Mod Series (MWPMS). He’s trying to make the series a win-win-win situation for racers, tracks and the organization. “The main reason for starting it is because we really don’t have anything in this area that brings all the Midwest guys together and gets them 22 | D r a g I l l u s t r a t e d | DragIllustrated.com Issue 124 T BY NATE VAN WAGNEN