Drag Illustrated Issue 125, September 2017 | Page 68
n the months leading
up to the inaugural Drag
Illustrated World Series
of Pro Mod, names like
Coughlin, Janis, Jack-
son and Whiteley were
brought up in the discus-
sions over who would win
the lucrative race. No one could have
predicted that the winner wouldn’t
be one of those names, drivers who
compete in the NHRA J&A Service
Pro Mod Series on a full-time basis,
but would instead be Mike Bow-
68 | D r a g
man, who was inserted into the fan
vote winner spot just weeks before
the race.
“The owner of the company I work
for, Ray Coburn at Coburn Equip-
ment, I asked him if it was OK if
I took a few days off to come race
here,” Bowman remembers. “He
said, ‘Heck yeah! It’s a hundred
thousand dollars; you better go get
you some of that!’ So, we loaded up
the trailer and got ready to leave
for Denver.”
A past NMCA champion and
I l l u s t r a t e d | DragIllustrated.com
winner of the 2016 Street Car Super
Nationals in Las Vegas, Bowman
began the week at the Precision
Racing Suspension/Penske Racing
Shocks Test Session, where his tur-
bocharged ’69 Chevelle made Ban-
dimere Speedway history, though
only he and a few others knew be-
cause of the no-scoreboards format
of the event.
“I unloaded the car and made
the first full pass, and ‘Sporty’ Ban-
dimere came over and told me I
made the first five-second door
car pass here at Denver. That was
an honor to me. The weekend just
kept getting more amazing for me.
I ended up making six (test) runs
and decided to sit out a couple of the
rounds. I wanted to save my motor
for the race. The car’s already been
down the racetrack six times, I don’t
need to go out there and beat on it.
I think that was the right decision
because you never know what’s go-
ing to happen on the very next run.”
While Bowman made his shake-
down runs on Friday evening, he
Issue 125