Megan Meyer, Rachel Meyer
& Julie Nataas
82 | D r a g
I l l u s t r a t e d |
Julie Nataas
have to tell her what to do.”
Nataas immediately showed signs of promise
when she qualified No. 1 in her NHRA Top Al-
cohol Dragster debut at an NHRA regional race
in Noble, Oklahoma, last season. Two races later
at the NHRA Finals in Pomona, California, she
Issue 130
s the daughter of revered
A/Fuel guru Randy Meyer, Me-
gan Meyer had everything she
needed to succeed when she
embarked on her NHRA Top
Alcohol Dragster rookie season
in 2016. Under the guidance
of her father, himself a talented driver, Megan
scored two national event wins and four regional
race victories over the last two seasons, winning
the 2017 Central Region championship in the
This season, while chasing the Lucas Oil Series
national championship, Meyer will coa ch her
sister, Rachel, and third-generation driver Julie
Nataas as the two build on their brief A/Fuel
driving experiences.
On paper, the Meyer sisters and Nataas are ide-
al teammates. They’re all in their early twenties
– Megan is 24, Rachel is 22 and Julie is 21 – and
they all grew up at the racetrack, at first watching
their fathers race, then stepping into the driver’s
seat themselves through Jr. Dragster and Super
Comp. The girls’ shared experiences helped them
become not only talented drivers, but also strong,
supportive teammates with a close bond.
“When I first met Julie, we immediately con-
nected,” Megan says. “You can just tell that she
has the dedication to be here, but to also learn
about the cars and learn how everything operates.
That’s the same passion that my sister and I have,
so we kicked it off right from the beginning. She
was on the starting line for every run that we
made. She knew what to listen for and what to
watch whenever we made a run. We didn’t even