Feedback, Friendly Notes,
& Hate Mail
of putting together a
program that is going
to see them receive
a regular check to
support their racing
efforts? Not even close.
I do think, though, that
How long can this
there are tons of racers
guy make enemies out
that are completely
of everyone in drag
capable of being
racing that isn’t one of
brand ambassadors
his top racers before
for businesses and
Lizzy Musi
the gig is up? In case
companies small and
Julie Nataas
you guys missed it, he
large that can earn
Megan Meyer
recently went live on
product or actual
Randi Lyn Shipp
Ashley Sanford
Facebook to tell every
money for their efforts
Brittany Force
sportsman bracket
at the drag strip. You’ll
Kathy Fisher
racer on the planet that
notice I’m not saying
they weren’t really drag
actions “on the drag
Hanging Out & Talking Shop
racers. I know he’s just
strip”, and that’s
with Pro Mod’s Next Big Star
stirring the pot and
because I don’t believe
promoting his events
it’s all about racing,
in the process, but at
winning rounds, etc.
what point has he gone
In my opinion, it’s
too far? We’ve seen just
more about being an
about everything out of
ambassador - talking
him, many things that
to fellow racers in the
I thought would spell the end, but
term) served to get his message in
pits, in the staging lanes, online
making enemies out of drag racing’s
front of a fairly new audience - I
and at events, and promoting
backbone…well…seems like a recipe
believe a lot of sportsman racers
the use of your sponsors’ product
for disaster.
weren’t completely aware of
or services. The credibility you
Matthew Dixon, via the Internet
what he has cooking in South
have as a racer - especially a
Georgia. Regardless, I think this
successful one or a well-known one
is all part of the act and while I
- is not lost on these companies.
understand much of what he says
Oftentimes, your ability as
REPLIES: Is it though? Honestly,
is inflammatory and in some
an accomplished racer to lend
I totally understand and
cases offensive, I don’t believe
credibility to a sponsor is the most
appreciate your perspective, but I
it’s anything to take personal.
valuable asset you have to offer. I
think all the outrage that ensued
Again, I definitely appreciate your
think it starts with identifying a
following Donald Long’s latest
company that you are especially
stunt was the planned outcome.