The Real Deal
with Tommy D'Aprile
he race season is
in full swing and
many of us are
looking to draw closer to
that championship sea-
son. Drag racing is a lot
of fun for sure, but it can
cause some stress as well.
Growing up, I remember
racing every single week-
end. At one point, I had
perfect attendance for
five years straight. An-
other thing I remember
is that I lost a lot more
rounds than I won, but
doesn’t everyone?
The truth is that the
best racers in the world
still lose more than they
win. The best baseball
players still strike out
and even the best batting averages are still under .400 or 40%. With
victory comes joy, but defeat can bring some very challenging atti-
tudes with it. That’s what I would like to focus on here. The question
is, do you have the discipline to lose well? We all win well – that’s
easy – but discipline can help us lose better. I have heard it said that if
you can be a good loser, it will make your victories that much sweeter.
At the recent PDRA race in Michigan, we had the car to beat. We
qualified No. 1 and were on our way. We won first round and set low
et of the round. We did the same thing in the second round. So here
came the semifinals. Our projected number would be a quick one,
and I am sure hard to beat. Well, the car was great, but it was I that
dropped the ball in this semifinal match. I red-lit and blew it right
there. I couldn’t believe it – all I had to do was just wait and the race
was ours.
So here is where I learned a little more about myself. As I exited
the car, I was totally disgusted. I congratulated my opponent, but I
was downright mad. After throwing my hat, I decided to walk back
to the trailer where I found everyone in a good mood except me.
Here I was feeling sorry for myself and didn’t get an ounce of pity.
Did I mention my team is amazing? After all was said and done, I
finally got over myself and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
Guys and girls, if we are going to continue to race, we better realize
that we will lose. Not just once in a while, but more than we would
like to. There are seasons where people get in a winning streak, but
they all come to an end at some point. I thought I had a pretty good
attitude, but when I was tested it was evident that I still have work to
do. The passion and emotion we all go through sometimes takes us
in a wrong direction, but discipline will keep us from acting the fool
or keeping that bad attitude for days on end.
I always try to use my setbacks as an example of how we all can
improve. None of us will be perfect, but I dare say we can discipline
ourselves to respond better in our circumstances. As a kid, I remem-
ber seeing people throw helmets and words around, and never do I
remember that being a positive example of where I wanted to be, so
let’s all take a lesson from the wrong attitude and strive for a better
one in this highly intense sport. Wins are coming, but so are losses,
so if someone can’t tell if you have won or lost, then maybe you are
maturing in your responses to race outcomes. I know I have work
to do and many of you do as well, but for sure we can all have better
attitudes. The choice is yours to make.
Email Tommy at
August 2018
You Race…
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