Drag Illustrated Issue 140, January 2019 | Page 45

THE C O M PL E T E LS7 PAC K AG E ROLLER GUIDED LIFTERS For the most aggressive cam profiles. THE ORIGINAL B E LT D R I V E S Y S T E M STEEL SHAFT ROCKERS Smoother than gear drives, more reliable than chain drives. Stiffer, stronger and as light as their aluminum counterparts. NEW L S 7 P E D E S TA L R O C K E R S Jesel LS7 Pedestal Rockers are machined from 4340 billet steel, fully heat treated, REM finished and rotate on heat-treated, tool steel trunions on dual .312” needle bearings. They feature .250” wide x .520” diameter needle bearing nose rollers and threaded ball-style lash adjusters. Designed for stock length valves and 1.80 or 1.90 ratios, but can handle higher spring pressures and increased valve lifts over stock rockers. For additional product details, visit us online at Jesel.com or contact us by phone at 732.901.1800 Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 9 DragIllustrated.com | D r a g I l l u s t r a t e d | 45