Drag Illustrated Issue 153, February 2020 | Page 20
tardant material Nomex to racing after meeting
astronaut Pete Conrad. Simpson wholeheart-
edly believed in the product and was known to
demonstrate the highly effective protection of
his Nomex fire suits by donning them and then
setting himself aflame. He gained widespread
attention for his unique marketing, and the result
was that countless lives were saved as racers saw
the value of the investment.
Simpson dedicated his life to safety in motors-
ports and built his company from the ground up,
starting the business in the garage of his home.
The humble beginnings soon became a flourish-
ing business as the value of his products became
clear, and he grew the Simpson Safety Products
line to include gloves and shoes, helmets and seat
harnesses. Simpson sold the initial business in
2001 and later launched Impact! Racing, which
he sold in 2010.
Top Fuel driver Antron Brown looked to Simp-
son for safety from the beginning of his career as
a Pro Stock Motorcycle rider on through his nitro
career and even now with his children racing in
NHRA’s Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League.
“To me, Bill Simpson was the Godfather of
safety,” says Brown. “I remember coming into Pro
Stock Motorcycle in 1997, and the first meeting
I ever had with him, he said, ‘This is the helmet
you’re wearing.’ It was like I didn’t have a choice.
He said, ‘You’re wearing this one right here, be-
cause I want to keep you safe.’ Bill wasn’t just a
friend to me, I looked at him as a brother – my
whole career, anything I ever needed, he was
always there.”
Many remember Simpson as a tough-as-nails
character who wasn’t afraid to tell it like it was.
Brown, though, stands among those who knew
Simpson personally and valued the various facets
of his personality.
“He wasn’t just a hardass, he was a hardass to
keep your ass safe,” says Brown. “That’s what he
always said, and that’s how I will remember him.”
Mickey Thompson expands
radial program at NMCA
By Mike Galimi
Limited Drag Radial included in the Mickey
Thompson Radial Rampage at NMCA,” said Ja-
son Rueckert, Limited Drag Radial’s co-organizer.
“It will be fun to have these cars in front of their
fans and we are look forward to seeing this hap-
pen many more times in the future.”
20 | D r a g
I l l u s t r a t e d | DragIllustrated.com
Issue 153
he NMCA Muscle Car Nationals
and Mickey Thompson Tires and
Wheels are proud to create a unique
radial-based program that includes
the Street Outlaw category at three national
events – Atlanta Dragway, World Wide Technol-
ogy Raceway at Gateway, and Route 66 Race-
way – and a special Radial Rampage shootout at
World Wide Technology at Gateway (Madison,
IL), which adds Radial vs. The World and Lim-
ited Drag Radial.
“We are thrilled to create the Radial Rampage
at World Wide Technology Raceway that will fea-
ture Friday evening qualifying and Saturday night
eliminations. In addition, Edelbrock Xtreme Street
will join the three radial-based eliminators for a
complete four-class Radial program,” said Rollie
Miller, General Manager and National Event Di-
rector of the NMCA Muscle Car Nationals.
Total Venue Concepts will handle the track
preparations using VP Racing Fuels Lane Choice
materials. All Radial categories are eligible to
participate in the NMCA Contingency program,
which boasts over $2 million in cash rewards
from some of the biggest names in the automo-
tive aftermarket. Additionally, every event winner
will walk away with a prestigious Victor trophy
and a celebration in the Aerospace Components
Winner’s Circle.
“Mickey Thompson has always been a support-
er of NMCA and we look forward to expanding
the Radial program with the series,” commented
Tom Kundrik, Motorsports Manager at Mickey
Thompson Tires and Wheels.
“Tyler [Crossnoe] and I are proud to have