It takes a unique set of skills , expertise and ingenuity to be a successful crew chief . There ’ s also a need for constant innovation , adding another necessary trait to the mix , but tuners must also be able to adjust on the fly . That ’ s especially true when working with a first-time driver .
The car might not change , but successful tuners must be able to tune to the characteristics and personalities of their drivers , something that ’ s absolutely necessary when bringing a newcomer into the class and sport .
Drag IllustrateD talked with a trio of standout crew chiefs , with each offering their expertise in dramatically different classes . That presents its own unique set of challenges , but Jeff Pierce , Dave Connolly and Scott Palmer all discuss how they cater to rookie and new drivers and what ’ s important in helping them making a successful transition to their class .
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September / October 2021 DragIllustrated . com | Drag Illustrated | 81