Drag Illustrated Issue 189, July / August 2024 | Page 32


Alex Laughlin , Buddy Hull , and Cody Krohn to name a few , while inspiring others .
“ I love the sport , but I really love the people in it , and that ’ s what is most important to me , is getting to tell these people ’ s stories and document cool moments for them . I like to involve the fans and the kids . I try to be a positive influence that way and tell kids they can see the drivers walking around and say hi . Or I like to give them a little bracelet – it ’ s like a little memento of a good time they ’ re having with their family ,” says Zivcic , who can also be spotted for her collection of friendship bracelets she ’ s sporting at any point during the weekend .
Zivcic also has a message for women looking to break into the space .
“ Don ’ t take no for an answer ,” she states . “ This is a very male-dominated industry , and there are a lot of politics to navigate and a lot of hoops
to jump through , but if you focus on the work , making connections with people , building relationships , the rest will shake itself out .
“ I think that the most important thing is treating people well and how you would want to be treated , and a lot of times , people will go out of their way to help you if you need it ,” she continues . “ Especially for women because there have been times you walk into a media center and maybe you ’ re not the most welcomed . It really wasn ’ t designed for women in the beginning – it ’ s always been a male thing , and they all have their traditions and customs . But it ’ s learning how to take up space and not be afraid to advocate for yourself and go after what you want without worrying about who ’ s saying what or who has an opinion on how you ’ re doing something or any of that .”
As Zivcic navigates another year of busy schedules , she strives to continue to hone her skills and feels honored when fellow photographers ask her for shooting or editing advice . What ’ s more , she would love to branch out into other motorsports .
“ I think there is space for everyone in this sport and in all aspects of photography that there ’ s no reason to gatekeep things or make people feel like they can ’ t get there because you want to get there first ,” she says . “ You don ’ t need to step on other people to elevate yourself . I think if everyone treats each other with kindness and encourages each other , it ’ s not only good for the media side , but it ’ s good for the sport as well .”
Lastly , Zivcic credits her success to the support of her parents .
“ I want to thank my parents for their unwavering , relentless support and encouraging me to chase something that really is not the norm , not a normal nine-to-five , not a normal income ,” she says , “ and just going to bat for me again and again because honestly , without them , I would not have a chance to do this . They are my army and they take care of everything while I ’ m not home , and I love them very much .” DI
32 | Drag Illustrated | DragIllustrated . com Issue 189