Drag Illustrated Issue 190, September / October 2024 | Page 30


Lead Foot City

A new place to race in Florida By Madelyn Marconi

In recent years , reports of new racetracks coming online have been on a steady upswing . The next location slated for a new racetrack is Brooksville , Florida , which is 40 minutes north of Tampa in Hernando County . Scheduled to open in the fall of 2024 , Lead Foot City recently announced its facility expansion with the addition of an eighth-mile dragstrip .

Achilles Thomas , the owner and esteemed “ Mayor ” of undoubtedly the fastest “ City ” in Florida , is no stranger to the world of motorsports and entertainment . Thomas grew up in South Florida and was a regular attendee at the former Moroso Motorsports Park . He moved to Brooksville 22 years ago to relocate his family business , Monster Transmission & Performance .
While the Hernando County racing community eagerly awaits the opening of the dragstrip , fortunately , they have not been starved for motorsports events in recent years . Prior to dragstrip construction , the facility has been operating to test the waters and feel out the interest of race fans in the area with its current venue attractions – a 14,000-square-foot burnout pit , 20,000-squarefoot climate-controlled building , 6,000-squarefoot bar and grill , and massive open-air pavilion .
To date , the 80-acre Lead Foot City has hosted hundreds of events including massive car shows , burnout competitions , concerts , swap meets , and fireworks displays . The initial outpouring of support for the facility was strong , to say the least .
“ Thousands of people poured through the gates at each event – it was a mad house ,” Thomas says . “ It was exciting but also overwhelming because there is such a demand here .”
The support from the community is the reason why the Lead Foot City team has moved forward with the expansion of the dragstrip . However , Thomas is adamant that his facility is so much more than just a racetrack . He proudly labels it as a full-blown “ motorsports and entertainment complex .” The facility ’ s name , Lead Foot City , encompasses Thomas ’ intention to create a diverse space for gearheads and car enthusiasts that goes beyond falling under the category of an ordinary racetrack .
Although racetracks are not always an easy sell to surrounding neighborhoods and local governments , Thomas says the support from Hernando County is beyond compare . Throughout the process of rezoning the property from its prior use as a chicken farm , the county fully supported his
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