Drag Illustrated Issue 190, September / October 2024 | Page 73

D . I . COLUMNIST The Real Deal with Tommy D ' Aprile





Let me ask you a question about yourself . How many times have you been aggravated lately ? And what or who aggravates you the most ? Now , I am sure at this point you have many people and things going through your mind , and maybe this question has even aggravated you as you think of those people and things . The purpose of this column is to get you to think about things like this and help you make some changes that help you stay cool , calm , and collected .

I have a guy at work who loves to read into everything . As he does this , he continues to get aggravated , almost creating his own story line of events . We all can and probably have done this . What a powerful game the mind can play on you !
“ He said , she said , I heard , did you hear ?” These statements get followed by mostly gossip and possible lies . The problem is that we tend to be drawn into these fishing line tactics . You throw your fishing line in the water and just wait for the bite to come . This is what many people are doing – throwing out the line and waiting for you to bite ! The problem is most of us take the bite . If a fish actually knew there was a hook in the worm , I don ’ t think it would bite . We have to be smarter about what gets us hooked and stay away from those people , places , and things . This also includes internet comments you don ’ t like . If you respond , it keeps going , but if you don ’ t , it dies out .
One time I witnessed a man yelling at another man . The man yelling was completely wrong about what he was saying , yet the other man remained calm and just walked away . When I asked why he didn ’ t let that guy have it , he said , “ A bear can whoop a skunk every day of the week , but sometimes it ’ s just not worth the stink .” What a great statement . Many of us get all worked up over nothing and then stink the rest of the day because we allowed something , mostly stupid , to ruin our day .
Most things we get all worked up about really aren ’ t worth it . Only you can decide what you will do or how you will react . The aftermath of a blowout always has someone blaming someone else for their actions and not wanting to take responsibility for those actions . We see it in little kids and full-grown adults . So , the next time someone or something pushes your buttons , ask yourself if it ’ s going to be worth losing your peace over . As always , the choice is yours to make !. DI
September / October 2024
Email Tommy at tommyd @ dragillustrated . com
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