The 30 Under 30 Issue has always been a special project for me . I had just turned 20 when we started discussing the possibility of a 30 Under 30 list , inspired by the iconic Forbes list of the same name , in 2015 . I was just hired as the web editor at Drag Illustrated at the beginning of the year , so the opportunity to work with the print editorial team on the first 30 Under 30 list was exciting . I contributed a handful of features in that issue , including my first-ever cover story , which focused on NHRA Pro Stock young gun Vincent Nobile .
The following year , I ’ d taken on an expanded role on the print side of the business . That included taking on the 30 Under 30 project , which entails launching the nomination period , reviewing the thousands of submissions we receive , and working with our team of writers and photographers to produce 30 individual features and photos for all of the 30 Under 30 honorees . After that second list , we weren ’ t sure that we ’ d have enough candidates to assemble a substantial third list in 2017 .
Fortunately , we were quite wrong there , and each subsequent year that we anticipated a lack of candidates , we were swiftly reminded by the drag racing community that there ’ s no shortage of young people doing incredible things in our sport . Many thousands of submissions have rolled in over the last 10 years , from quick and unconvincing nominations reading , “ Because they ’ re a good racer ,” to passionate , paragraphs-long submissions from parents , mentors , siblings , and best friends pitching us on why their nominee should be recognized .
Each year , when the list is unveiled , we receive nearly as much feedback from the candidates who aren ’ t selected – or more vocally , their parents and supporters . We ’ ve been sworn out – online and in-person – by parents who disagree with our selections . I took it personally early on , but I ’ ve come to realize that these reactions mean that what we ’ re doing matters . It means something to people that their favorite drag racer does or doesn ’ t make the list .
There are many more than 30 young people in drag racing who deserve a spot each year . We try to cover as many corners of the sport as possible , including different roles beyond driver or crew chief . We also recognize accomplishments and contributions to the sport aren ’ t always quantifiable in the form of win lights , trophies , or records . We also consider age as well as potential for future success . If someone is well under 30 and shows signs that they ’ re still climbing the ladder , we ’ re more likely
Nate Van Wagnen Editor-in-Chief
to give them another year – or five – before we put them on the list . That doesn ’ t mean they ’ re not already deserving , though . There ’ s no set criteria or scoresheet , making the selection process that much harder .
This year , I have the unique honor of accepting my own spot on the 30 Under 30 List . Wes and the team here at DI have tried to put me on the list at various points in the past , but I never felt comfortable taking a spot that could go to another young person in the sport . Plus , I always felt like I had so much more to accomplish before I ’ d earned my spot . This is my last “ 30 Under 30 season ” in my 20s , though , so I gratefully accepted when Wes started our first 30 Under 30 call by offering me a spot .
The 30 Under 30 List is primarily about recognizing the honorees themselves , but it ’ s also about praising the people who ’ ve supported and encouraged the honorees throughout their careers . That ’ s one of the reasons why I was glad to accept a spot .
Though I don ’ t have a family background in drag racing , my family has been incredibly supportive of my career path , and a village of mentors have played a part in paving that path . My parents , Shannon and Danny , have encouraged me every step of the way , while my uncle Kenny is the one who first introduced me to drag racing , unknowingly sending me down a 15-plusyear rabbit hole . My late grandmother submitted a 30 Under 30 nomination on my behalf every year , and she may have even harassed Wes via Facebook and email about it a time or two . My wife , Allyson , who I met through drag racing , has never wavered in her support of my unconventional line of work .
Within the sport , Brandon and Aaron Booher gave me an opportunity to travel with their Top Alcohol Dragster team for several seasons and got me started writing press releases for their team and others , which led to working at DI . The Foley family took me on the road with their drag racing school , giving me the opportunity to get behind the wheel of a race car for the first time , allowing me to get my Super Comp license , and treating me like a part of the family along the way . Finally , Wes , Mike , J . T ., Nancy , and the whole team here at DI have been incredible teammates and mentors over the last 10 years that I ’ ve been at DI . The group Wes has assembled over the years has and will continue to make meaningful contributions to the sport we love , and I ’ m so proud to be a part of that effort .
This 30 Under 30 Issue , which is still in the final stages of production as I write this , is one of our largest issues ever . In my humble and biased opinion , it ’ s pretty convincing proof that drag racing ’ s future is bright . DI
Feel free to email me at nate @ dragillustrated . com and follow me at facebook . com / nitronate1320 and nitronate1320 on Instagram and Twitter .
Wes Buck Chief Executive Officer Founder & Editorial Director 660.988.2313 wes @ dragillustrated . com
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Nate Van Wagnen Editor-in-Chief 440.986.1480 nate @ dragillustrated . com
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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS : Bobby Bennett , Greg Burrow , Craig Cook , Tommy D ’ Aprile , Allyson Van Wagnen , Bret Kepner , Brandon W . Mudd , Ian Tocher , Kelly Wade
PHOTO DEPARTMENT : John Fore III , Van Abernethy , Rick Belden , David Beitler , Tara Bowker , Bob Campagna , Jason Dunn , Phil Hutchison , Joe McHugh , Gary Nastase , Mark J . Rebilas , Roger Richards , Cole Rokosky , Chris Sears , James Sisk , Ian Tocher
ADVERTISING SALES : 704.907.3515
SUBSCRIPTIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICE : 660.988.2313 customerservice @ dragillustrated . com
DRAG ILLUSTRATED MEDIA , LLC PO Box 674 , Kirksville , MO 63501 P : 660.988.2313 F : 660.665.1636 www . dragillustrated . com
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12 | Drag Illustrated | DragIllustrated . com Issue 191