’ ve had the opportunity to experience the historic Snowbird Outlaw Nationals at Bradenton Motorsports Park a few times now , but the most recent running was something special . For years before my first Snowbirds , I ’ ve heard stories from my good friend and our traveling columnist , Van Abernethy , who ’ s been attending the wintertime event for many years . The 2024 Snowbirds – the first race of the new Drag Illustrated Winter Series – will definitely be one of the races I ’ m telling stories about for years to come .
From the moment we arrived at Bradenton , the atmosphere was electric . Like every other DI event going back to the first World Series of Pro Mod out in Denver in 2017 , something was different about this event . There ’ s a palpable energy from the racers , the teams , and the crowd that all comes together to create an experience that ’ s impossible to replicate anywhere else .
It ’ s also one of the few times each year that the whole DI team gets together in-person to make up one part of the event team . We don ’ t just stamp the DI name on an event . Our whole team gets involved , doing anything from publishing results and feature stories to hanging banners , sourcing food and drinks for the racer welcome party , making competition-related decisions , and working with Pro Mod drivers on the chip draws each round . It ’ s always a great time working together with track owner Victor Alvarez , race director Gavin Carter , and the whole group that makes these events possible .
It wasn ’ t just the energy in the atmosphere . Ontrack , racers pushed their hot rods to the limit , chasing the kind of performances that make headlines and history . Fans lined the stands , cheering with an enthusiasm that could rival any major sports arena . As you ’ ll read about in this issue , some incredible moments took place throughout the weekend , culminating with a stunning win by Street Outlaws star Kye Kelley .
Capturing all of this action was a long list of photographers , videographers , and content creators . You ’ ve no doubt seen their photos and videos if
you spent any time at all online during and after the race . These folks provide a great service to the sport by connecting the world with drag racing events big or small .
This issue of Drag Illustrated is our Photo Annual , and it ’ s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the incredible work that these visual storytellers contribute to our sport . Their ability to capture split-second moments of drama , triumph , and sheer horsepower is nothing short of extraordinary . These photographers brave the heat and the relentless sun , crouching at the edge of the track or climbing to precarious vantage points to get that perfect shot . Their dedication mirrors that of the racers themselves .
Without these talented individuals , Drag Illustrated wouldn ’ t be what it is today . They put the “ Illustrated ” in Drag Illustrated . They bring the sport to life for readers who might not have the chance to witness it in person . Every dramatic burnout , every victorious fist-pump , and every emotional moment in the winner ’ s circle is preserved through their lenses . It ’ s a reminder that drag racing isn ’ t just about speed and horsepower – it ’ s about emotion , humanity , and storytelling .
This Photo Annual is our way of honoring those who work tirelessly to freeze these moments in time . From iconic action shots to behind-the-scenes glimpses of life in the pits , the images within these pages showcase the beauty and intensity of drag racing like no other medium can . They allow us to relive the highs and lows of the season , to feel the adrenaline and heartbreak as if we were there ourselves .
As we continue the Drag Illustrated Winter Series , I ’ m looking forward to more unforgettable events and the incredible photography that will come out of them . To our readers , I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate the artistry and effort that goes into every image you see here . And to the photographers who make it all possible , thank you . Your work doesn ’ t just tell the story of drag racing – it ensures that the story is told beautifully and powerfully . DI
Wes Buck Chief Executive Officer Founder & Editorial Director 660.988.2313 wes @ dragillustrated . com
Mike Carpenter Chief Operating Officer Design & Production Director 704.737.2299 mike @ dragillustrated . com
Nancy Koeppen Chief Financial Officer 573.552.5551 nancy @ dragillustrated . com
Nate Van Wagnen Editor-in-Chief 440.986.1480 nate @ dragillustrated . com
Brett Underwood VP of Sales & Chief Development Officer 704.907.3515 brett @ dragillustrated . com
JT Hudson VP of Business Development & Client Relations 660.341.0063 jt @ dragillustrated . com
Kayla Zadel Digital Content Director & Editor-at-Large 970.203.5146 kayla @ dragillustrated . com
Van Abernethy Senior Staff Writer & Field Subscription Sales 828.302.0356 van @ dragillustrated . com
Caroline Fox Customer Service / Office Manager 660.988.2313 caroline @ dragillustrated . com
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS : Bobby Bennett , Greg Burrow , Craig Cook , Tommy D ’ Aprile , Allyson Van Wagnen , Bret Kepner , Brandon W . Mudd , Ian Tocher , Kelly Wade
PHOTO DEPARTMENT : John Fore III , Van Abernethy , Rick Belden , David Beitler , Tara Bowker , Bob Campagna , Jason Dunn , Phil Hutchison , Joe McHugh , Gary Nastase , Mark J . Rebilas , Roger Richards , Cole Rokosky , Chris Sears , James Sisk , Ian Tocher
ADVERTISING SALES : 704.907.3515
SUBSCRIPTIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICE : 660.988.2313 customerservice @ dragillustrated . com
DRAG ILLUSTRATED MEDIA , LLC PO Box 674 , Kirksville , MO 63501 P : 660.988.2313 F : 660.665.1636 www . dragillustrated . com
Copyright © 2025 by Drag Illustrated Media , LLC . All rights reserved . Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited . Drag Illustrated is a registered trademark of Drag Illustrated Media , LLC . Printed and mailed by Publication Printers in Denver , CO .
Nate Van Wagnen Editor-in-Chief
Feel free to email me at nate @ dragillustrated . com and follow me at facebook . com / nitronate1320 and nitronate1320 on Instagram and Twitter .
All statements , including product claims , are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim . The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claims as its own , and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher .
10 | Drag Illustrated | DragIllustrated . com Issue 192